Simply the Best Eye Care Experience
in Red Deer & Sylvan Lake

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Your Vision Is Precious

At Doctors EyeCare in Red Deer & Sylvan Lake, your vision is our priority. We don’t just offer eye care—we provide a diamond-standard experience. Here, you are a valued guest, not just a patient.

We know Alberta weather can be unforgiving, so whether you need help with dry eyes or just need to update your prescription through an eye exam, we have you covered.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today—we can’t wait to meet you!

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A Warm Welcome & Lasting Impression

From the moment you step through our doors, our friendly staff create a welcoming environment. Your experience matters to us, and we want it to be positive, from hello to farewell.

We believe in building trust through genuine connections. You will know we care about your well-being even before you consider our expertise. From dry eye treatment to eye disease management, we offer a range of services built around your unique needs.

Visit us in Red Deer North, South, or Sylvan Lake. We can’t wait to be your long-term partner in eye care!

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Why Us?

Service 3

We believe in exceeding expectations. Our comprehensive eye exams are designed to be thorough, and we combine technology and our team’s expertise to provide a deep understanding of your eye health.

Adult & Senior Eye Exams
Service 2

We create a welcoming environment where you can feel like a guest, not just a patient. Our friendly staff can put you at ease and help you feel comfortable throughout your visit.

Our Practice
Service 1

We believe the foundation of patient care lies in genuine connections. We take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions openly, and tailor our approach to your individual needs. This trust is shown throughout our services.

Eye Disease Diagnosis and Management

Come Visit us

Red Deer North

  • 5920 50 Ave, #102
  • Red Deer, AB T4N 4C3
Book Appointment

Red Deer South

  • 2827 30 Ave, #1129
  • Red Deer, AB T4R 2P7
Book Appointment

Sylvan Lake

  • 5043 50 Street, #101
  • Sylvan Lake,, AB T4S 1P9
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