Our Practice in Red Deer & Sylvan Lake

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Quality Eye Care from Experienced Professionals

With a combined 80 years of helping people see and look their best, our team is dedicated to providing you and your family with a lifetime of quality eye care. 

We have 3 clinics between Red Deer and Sylvan Lake, catering to all ages. In addition to comprehensive eye examinations, we offer specialty services that include laser eye surgery consultation, eye disease management, dry eye evaluations, and specialty contact lens fittings.

No matter your eye care needs, our team is here to help! Book an appointment today to kickstart your eye health journey.

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Our Commitment to Our Patients

Doctors EyeCare is dedicated to elevating vision care to a diamond standard. We achieve this by welcoming patients as valued guests, prioritizing their well-being with dedicated service and expertise, and fostering genuine connections that build trust.

For us, a diamond experience begins with a warm welcome and culminates in a lasting impression. Let our team show you the difference diamond eye care can make.

Giving Back with Canadian Vision Care

We are proud to be a part of Canadian Vision Care, a non-profit organization that aims to help people worldwide gain access to vision care. 

We believe everyone should have access to quality eye care. We deeply value our community and the relationships we build with our patients. Canadian Vision Care aligns with our values of serving our community and making vision care accessible. It is an honour for us to be able to expand that across borders and serve communities internationally.

Meet Our Doctors


Gerry Leinweber, OD, Senior Partner


Shari Stockley, OD, Senior Partner


Trent Allred, OD, Junior Partner


Travis Chalmers, OD, Associate

Come Visit us

Red Deer North

  • 5920 50 Ave, #102
  • Red Deer, AB T4N 4C3
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Red Deer South

  • 2827 30 Ave, #1129
  • Red Deer, AB T4R 2P7
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Sylvan Lake

  • 5043 50 Street, #101
  • Sylvan Lake,, AB T4S 1P9
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